Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Israel is the Real Victim

The international outrage and condemnation on the IDF’s raid on the Mavi Marmara and other ‘terror ships’ is pure nonsensical. Once again, anti-Semites took the opportunity to launch a direct attack on Israel, all in the name of humanity. This is by far the most obvious manifestation of anti-Semitism by ‘humanitarians’.

First of all, I got no problems with humanitarians. I admit it is really noble to fight for the oppressed. But what I really can’t tolerate is sheer hipocracy. Action speaks louder than words.

If one would notice, any Israeli operation against terrorists in the West Bank or Gaza Strip would be met by a barrage of international outrage, demonstrations and condemnation in the UN General Assembly. If the same happens in other countries, the world is silent.

Personally, I’m all out for peace. To narrow it down, this includes peace and reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians. I believe that God created Mankind in His image so it’ll be wrong if we discriminate against others of different race.

Now back again, in the Israel-Palestinian conflict, the one who wants peace is Israel. In comparison, the Palestinians want nothing more than the destruction of Israel.

This can be seen in the 2005 Israeli withdrawal from the Gaza Strip. The Israeli government showed it’s sincerity to want to have peace with it’s Arab neighbours by forcefully evicting their own settlers from Gaza with IDF and police force. Despite the heart wrenching move and fierce opposition from the settlers, Israel went ahead with that unpopular move for the sake of peace.

In contrast, once the Palestinians returned, they continued their war against Israel. Instead of rebuilding their lives with their new-found land, they used it as a platform to launch rockets inside Israel and continue their acts of terrorism.

This shows that no matter what is being done, the Arabs still want to see the destruction of Israel. To them, peace is equivalent to the total destruction of Israel. With this kind of mindset, it is impossible, I repeat, downright impossible to achieve peace.

Since 2005, a lot has happened. The kidnapping of Gilad Shalit by Hamas militants and held in the very place where Israel withdrew, the aggression by Hezbollah that led to the outbreak of Operation Summer Rain and countless rocket attacks by militants on Israeli targets that led to Operation Cast Lead.

The irony of all these is, despite the numerous Palestinian aggression since they first appeared, like the numerous airline hijackings in the 70s, the Olympic attack in Munich in 72’, the world still sided with the Palestinians despite their obvious intentions.

To add insult to injury, Turkey, which openly supports terrorist groups since Erdogan took over, sponsored and blessed the voyage of the ‘Peace Flotilia’. The real intention of this fleet, is to provoke an Israeli action that will lead to world condemnation(which unfortunately succeeded).

As these words were typed, Israel faces an international inquiry for defending itself. It’s is sad to see a nation which stands at the forefront in the war against terrorism being subjected to oppression by so called peace-lovers.

My exhortation to the world is this:

If you truly desire peace, don’t just fight for the Palestinians. Fight also for the right of the Kurds for a land, who are the largest population in the world without a home. Show your displeasure against Sudan’s genocidal war in Darfur. Take the same amount of action that you took for the Palestinians and direct it against the Iranian governments crackdown on the Green Revolution.

In short, the world is clearly biased against Israel. Dictatorial regimes get away whilst Israel, the only democratic country in the Middle-East, receives the bad end. The aggressor becomes the victim whilst the victim becomes the aggressor.

To know the truth, study history and get your facts right.

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